Well, it's official. Variety is reporting that the "The Dark Knight" has officially started its record breaking non-holiday, weekend by opening on Friday with ticket sales topping $60 million dollars (beating Spiderman 3 - 59.8 mil) and the biggest midnight show opening (Beating Star Wars III Revenge of the Sith - 16.9) ever with $18.5 million dollars on midnight shows alone!
Do the math. 60 million times, Friday X1, Saturday X2, Sunday X3 = 180 million. Add in some repeat views (for sure) and the fact that people don't work on Saturday and Sunday and well, I'm putting the final weekend tally at over 200 million for the weekend, which would de-throne "Spiderman 3" and take it's rightful place as the biggest opening weekend in the history of the box office.
I'm set to view this bad boy tomorrow night and have been trying desperately to dodge friends and reviews online that might hint at it's brilliance. All I need is one douche bag to come up to me and tell me it sucked for me to throw my hands up in anger and punch that person square in the jaw. And why? "Why," you ask? Because their being stupid!