In just about one week, in fact, in exactly one week, the summer solstice will be upon us. It will be the longest (not hottest mind you) day of the year. It comes at a very reflective time for my mates and me at the moment (above: Scott and Travis take a meditative smoke break in the front lawn around 6am under the tree we all dream under, ...wired).
The heat thus far into the Texas summer has left us able to move slowly across our household terrain in an attempt to stay cool. It reminds me of a Twilight Episode I saw as a kid where you watched an entire community wait and suffer the heat caused by a sun that was getting closer and closer to Earth. Getting out of the house to go to work where there are giant freezers has become a highlight despite my becoming tired and fed-up with my current serving position at Opal Divine's.
A while back, a very good friend of mine Adrienne Mishler threw a party for everyone we knew that was a Gemini. This of course included me and several other friends who were all in attendance for the evening. I invited Scotty, Travis, Mike and my stepsister for a night of drinking and mingling. It was fun and the party went all night. Mike eventually left. Travis got belligerent and headed home after saying some disruptive words to me. Scotty and I went the whole night and into the morning.

It was great. When Scotty and I did get home, Travis told us he'd had a conversation with a ghost that told him "life is good," and then continued down the street with his dog and chains. I found out today during a disappointing day at the disc golf course that the "ghost" as Travis called him was actually an inebriated homeless man who walks his dog through our neighborhood. After that, we had to call the Sci-Fi channel and tell them we needed to withdrawal Travis' application to their show "Ghost Hunters." Score one for Travis.
On a really positive note, the San Antonio Spurs were crowned champions last night after sweeping the Cleveland Cavs in four games in Cleveland. It was good to see and while Tony Parker, the first European to win MVP, accepted his trophy and called out Michael Finley for kicking ass all season, I thought to myself about what I was doing this time last year. Then it hit me, I was getting this thing cut out of me, for not even close to free, but definitely not $18,000 dollars.

Go Spurs Go

ANywho, Travis has already started crying about his desire to use the Air Conditioning system and Scott who lives in the room with the A/C unit right outside his window has told him ‘no.’ I’m sort of ambivalent about the whole thing. I know that our "real" battle with the hot weather will come in the months following this one with August potentially threatening our lives. I'm personally not ready to start shelling out dollars because Travis can't take clammy skin or sweat on his back. Scotty who has decided he'd rather not have the A/C unit outside his window running whilst he sleeps will more than likely reverse his position when it starts getting really hot. Sooner or later we'll need it, right now though, it just doesn't quite seem like a necessesity.
Until then, Travis can take cold showers and fall asleep like an old man in his fake leather chair and get some much-deserved rest. Maybe he could even catch a few flies with that open mouth, or, ... hmmmmmmm...

In the coming weeks: Wolfmother at Stubb's, FCC training for radio, more Gemini parties, the purchase of ACL single day tix (since three day passes are now sold out), and an old friend/lover of mine will come down to where she got her undergraduate degree with some much, missed, mutual friends for her unisex bachelorette party.
Oh, and by the way, my "check engine" light went off. Score!